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Leander Cars and Coffee Car Show, Leander Texas - 10/31/10 - photo by Jeff
User: jeffb
Views: 4426
Date: 10/31/10
Filesize: 32.0k, 103.3k, 1023 X 680
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Leander Cars and Coffee Car Show, Leander Texas - 10/31/10 - photo by Jeff
User: jeffb
Views: 4381
Date: 10/31/10
Filesize: 32.0k, 173.8k, 1023 X 680
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Leander Cars and Coffee Car Show, Leander Texas - 10/31/10 - photo by Jeff
User: jeffb
Views: 4475
Date: 10/31/10
Filesize: 32.0k, 136.7k, 1023 X 680
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Longhorn Corvette Club fall show, Georgetown, Texas 10/23/10 - photos by Je
User: jeffb
Views: 4638
Date: 10/23/10
Filesize: 32.0k, 144.8k, 1023 X 680
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Longhorn Corvette Club fall show, Georgetown, Texas 10/23/10 - photos by Je
User: jeffb
Views: 4471
Date: 10/23/10
Filesize: 32.0k, 139.6k, 1023 X 680
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Longhorn Corvette Club fall show, Georgetown, Texas 10/23/10 - photos by Je
User: jeffb
Views: 4453
Date: 10/23/10
Filesize: 32.0k, 134.0k, 1023 X 680
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Longhorn Corvette Club fall show, Georgetown, Texas 10/23/10 - photos by Je
User: jeffb
Views: 4497
Date: 10/23/10
Filesize: 32.0k, 140.2k, 1023 X 680
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Longhorn Corvette Club fall show, Georgetown, Texas 10/23/10 - photos by Je
User: jeffb
Views: 4435
Date: 10/23/10
Filesize: 32.0k, 150.9k, 1023 X 680
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Longhorn Corvette Club fall show, Georgetown, Texas 10/23/10 - photos by Je
User: jeffb
Views: 4489
Date: 10/23/10
Filesize: 32.0k, 147.0k, 1023 X 680
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Longhorn Corvette Club fall show, Georgetown, Texas 10/23/10 - photos by Je
User: jeffb
Views: 4453
Date: 10/23/10
Filesize: 32.0k, 159.9k, 1023 X 680
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Longhorn Corvette Club fall show, Georgetown, Texas 10/23/10 - photos by Je
User: jeffb
Views: 4371
Date: 10/23/10
Filesize: 32.0k, 183.4k, 1023 X 680
No comments

Longhorn Corvette Club fall show, Georgetown, Texas 10/23/10 - photos by Je
User: jeffb
Views: 4513
Date: 10/23/10
Filesize: 32.0k, 158.7k, 1023 X 680
No comments
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